Alexandra Family Medical Centre

Opening Hours : Monday to Friday 9am-5pm. Sat/Sun/Public Holidays (Occasionally)Follow Afmc Facebook page
  Contact : 03 5772 1699


Dr. Rajesh Vohra

Dr. Rajesh Vohra (Business owner and GP) Alexandra Family Medical centre Grant Street, was born in India. He graduated in medicine in 1993 and gained his Masters in Anaesthesia in 2000. He has worked as a General Practitioner and Anaesthetist in India for 14 years. He works all 7 days at his clinic.

Dr. Vohra has worked in Loxton, South Australia for three years and has a very keen interest in Chronic Disease Management, Skin Cancer, Mental Health and Aged Care. He has always loved living and working in regional Australia.

He has been in Alexandra for the last six years. He and his family love Alexandra and the community. They are committed and want to stay in and around Alexandra forever and serve the lovely community.