Alexandra Family Medical Centre

Opening Hours : Monday to Friday 9am-5pm. Sat/Sun/Public Holidays (Occasionally)Follow Afmc Facebook page
  Contact : 03 5772 1699

New Patient Information

  1. HOURS

The clinic is open:
Monday To Friday

Monday to Friday        9am – 5pm

Open on some weekends and Public holidays 


⭐️kindly follow out Facebook page for all updates



Please ring 5772 1699 for an appointment. If you need more time with the doctor, please tell the receptionist when you make your booking.
Urgent medical problems will always be dealt with promptly.

Patients who walk-in and require an appointment on the day will depend on appointment availability only.

Note: If you are too unwell to come to the clinic, kindly let our front desk know and we can assist you with Telephonic appointments.



When the clinic is closed, please ring Alexandra District Health Urgent Care 03 5772 0900. 

All patient information and medical records are kept strictly confidential at all times.

If you are unhappy with the service we provide at any time, please feel free to speak to your doctor or the practice manager.


The practice team requires access to Social Media  & Email  to assist in the efficient and safe delivery of healthcare services to our patients.  Policy requirements apply to all GPs and practice staff of the practice. GPs and practice staff are legally responsible for their online activities.

It is practice policy that all patients have a file. The doctor will provide them with an up-to-date and accurate summary on request – one week’s notice required.


Test results cannot be given over the phone as they require an explanation. Please come in to discuss your results with your doctor.


As well as routine consultations, the following services are available:

  • Family planning, Pap smears, Pregnancy tests, Ante-natal care
  • ECG: heart check
  • Vaccination: Adults, children and travel
  • Minor surgery: stitching cuts, removing moles, skin cancers
  • Liquid nitrogen ‘freezing’ therapy for sunspots and warts
  • Home Visits


Pensioners, Veterans Affairs cardholders and Health Care cardholders are bulk-billed.

Please pay at the time of consultation by cash, cheque, Visa, MasterCard, Amex or EFTPOS. A full list of fees is on display at reception.


Alexandra Family Medical Centre values your opinion. Patient feedback forms are available at reception alternatively you can contact our Practice Manager

In accordance with the Health Services (Conciliation and Review) Act 1987, if the response you receive from is unsatisfactory to you, please contact Health Services Commissioner Victoria 1300 582 113.


The Translator Interpreter Service is available for non English speaking patients. Please speak to the Receptionist to organize the services of a phone interpreter.


Your Medical Record is a confidential document. It is the policy of this practice to maintain security of personal health information at all times and to ensure that this information is only available to authorised members of staff. Please ask our reception staff for a copy of our Privacy policy.


Test results cannot be given over the phone as they require an explanation. Please come in to discuss your results with your doctor.


Long Consultations can be arranged please speak to the receptionist on duty.


You can contact your doctor in case of an emergency by ringing reception during surgery hours ( can vary from case to case )

Any telephonic calls made by doctors from home due to illness or any emergency situation are strictly confidential.

The doctors follow a strict code of privacy by making those calls from their work office/ private room with no other person around them. The conversations happen within closed doors so that there is no outside noise or disruption.

The notes are then saved accordingly.


Communication Policy

Telephone Communication

Our Practice may contact you via telephone calls, text messages and/or email to confirm or notify you of any changes to your scheduled appointment, recalls requiring urgent attention and health promotion reminders (optional).

We offer telephone consultations, however not all medical services can be provided over the phone. The GP may request for you to attend for a face-to-face appointment instead.

While telephone calls and text messages are generated using a secure facility, they are transmitted over a public network onto a personal telephone and as such may not be secure. However, the practice will not transmit any information which would enable an individual patient to be uniquely identified.

Telephone calls from patients will not generally be put through to doctors immediately as they are usually attending to patients throughout the day. Our reception staff will be happy to take down contact details and the message to pass on. Our Doctors will be in touch on the same day or if they are not available on the day, the next time they are scheduled to be in the clinic.

Our Nurse may be able to assist you with any general questions regarding your healthcare. If you have a medical question after seeing one of our doctors, you can speak with the nurse and she will discuss your concerns with the doctor. Normally our nurse will return your call later the same day.

For any urgent medical problems, we recommend you attend your nearest Hospital, or alternatively our nurse will organise for our doctors to see you as soon as possible.

Electronic Communication

We offer face-to-face and phone consultations only. We do not provide GP consultations via email.

Electronic communication is generally used only for correspondence of a non-sensitive nature. And while reasonable efforts are made to provide security via email communication, users should be aware that there are inherent risks in the transmission of information across the internet and as such may not be secure.

When patients request for sensitive information via email, a request and consent form is sent to the patient for completion. This form requires the patient to specify the information required, provide a copy of photo identification, advises fees may be payable for the services and notes the risks in the transmission of information over the internet including breaches.

A patient may request for a copy of their results be sent to their email address during a phone consultation with the GP. Results must be discussed with the GP before they are released. Please note our receptionists and nursing staff do not have the authority to release any results if these results have not been discussed and approved for release by a GP. The GP will confirm the email address details and our reception staff will email you the documents.

While Emails and Facsimiles are reviewed on a daily basis, we kindly advise we can take up to 2 working days to respond to your query. If we have not responded to your email within 2 days or for any urgent queries, we recommend calling our clinic (03 57721699) for immediate attention.


All of our patients have a right and are encouraged to participate in decision about their healthcare.


Our practice regularly engages with local health services, such as Specialists, Allied Health and Hospitals. If required, your GP will provide sufficient information (referral letter) to plan and facilitate optimal patient care.


Alexandra Family Medical Centre values your opinion. Patient feedback forms are available at reception alternatively you can contact our Practice Manager

In accordance with the Health Services (Conciliation and Review) Act 1987, if the response you receive from is unsatisfactory to you, please contact Health Services Commissioner Victoria 1300 582 113.